NODE Media Lab is a Vienna based non-profit multi-disciplinary creative establishment  with the main focus on research and production of interdisciplinary experiences around new media art, science and technology.

Favoritenstraße 40/23/16, 1040 Vienna


Ephemeral Companions

31 May - 19 June 2024 / Opening: May 31st 

Exhibition by Anna Lerchbaumer + Rafael Lippuner

Humankind´s journey with technology has been nothing short of transformational. The exhibition seeks to explore and document their relationship, as far back as we can imagine and as close as it has grown since. 

Beginning with the birth of rudimentary tools, “Ephemeral Companions” meticulously trace the path of technological marvels that have become an integral part of our daily lives. It explores the cultural, social, and psychological dimensions of our interactions with these tools, analyzing how they both connect and sometimes distance us. It encourages us to reflect on the impact of technology on our relationships, from the intimacy of personal relations to the larger scale of global communities. Both artists ask us to imagine these relationships' future and call for a responsible and mindful use of the tools that shape our world.



Dream Speed 

Video/VR/Audio Installation

3-17 May 2024 / Opening: May 2nd

Curated by Leo Kuelbs (Concept and Video) and Vadim Schäffler (Concept and VR).

Visual Art by Mohsen Hazrati, Hye Rim Lee, Eva Davidova and MX Oops, Sarah Oh-Mock, Dagmar Schürrer, Vadim Schäffler; Sound by Kris Force.

The exhibition "Dream Speed" explores how human artists and their digital counterparts meet to create and own dreams. It is a multi-artist video, VR, and sound art experience that uses digital components and VR environments to create bridges between different states. The soundtrack manipulates tempo to induce a trance-like state. Viewers can experience the work in physical, auditory, and VR spaces, paralleling levels of consciousness.



Parallel Vienna, Project Statement,  Room 16/103

5-10 September 2023

Otto Wagner Areal

Presented by HM Communication_Hema Makwana

We had the privilege of being invited to present our project in the Project Statement Section at the 11th edition of Parallel Vienna. The fair was held from September 5 to September 10, and over 6 days, more than 400 visitors had the opportunity to experience our interactive application. Our stand attracted around 750 visitors in total.


Angewandte Atlas

Exhibition Dates: 21 June - 4 July 2023

Opening: 20 July 2023

The University of Applied Arts Vienna is an institution of diversity; being one of the first academies that female students were able to study, having 1700 students from 70 countries in 2021.

With this project, we demonstrated the demography of Angewandte in years focusing on the gender and geography of students. It emphasizes the growing diversity inside the community with the method of digitizing the archive and statistics, visualization of the data and turning it into an atlas of the cultural diversity of Angewandte.

Supported by Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft


Node #00: "Transitions"

6-13 April 2023

The exhibition introduced a collection of works created employing coding to embrace the intersection of art and forms. 4 artists who come from different disciplines yet use code in their works were brought together in order to accentuate the lyrical relation of body, motion, vitality and transitional forms. 

Vesna Petresin’s video work UnFold_Gold ​​aligns how the body and emotions adapt to the passage of time through processes, rhythms and repetitions. In Marhu & A*S*Y*S “Hooked”, energy meets the movements of the body and transpasses through glitches.

While two video shows the obvious Copy Planet Foundation and Ozan Turkkan’s works confronting to observe the abstract. “Coded Feelings” transmutes the inherent complexities of existence into poetic digital forms. Turkkan’s “arura” AV Installation is focusing on transitional forms in nature and the variability of this geometry over time. “arura” and “Coded Feelings” are also presented as VR Installations for an immersive experience. 

A workshop was organised as an introduction to how to use code for creative and experimental projects. The exhibition has been curated by NODE Media Lab. 



NODE Media Lab is supported by: